Good Motion Goes Unnoticed.

My passion is making motion so smooth you don't even realise.

Check out my Showreel!

I’m not at liberty to publicly discuss a lot of my best work, but I’m still really proud of everything in my reel. If you’ve been given the password to my private portfolio please click below to make your way there, lucky you!

Here’s a sick project

I’ve worked with Raffolux loads over the years and would love to share some of the sick projects we’ve made together with you

About me

There’s a time and a place for disruptive motion

My favourite way to create motion is to absolutely perfect it in a way that does not disrupt. Disruptive motion is great and I love being creative and artistic, but to me there’s nothing better than working on a campaign and making everything so smooth and buttery that you hardly even have to think about the motion.

What do I do?

I’m currently working full time and freelancing on the side.

I dabble in everything motion, from specialising in 2D, to bits of 3D and AR. I love learning new things and there’s nothing better to spur you on than a project with a tight deadline!

The face behind the work

Hey, this is my face! :) I’m Jennie (she/her).

A 25 year old from the North East of the UK who loves a quiet night in gaming or going to the pub with her friends.

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